You can save your appointment request and come back to it at any time. Scroll to the bottom of the form and click "save and complete later".

Please double-check your email address or we may not be able to contact you!
Aus. mobile numbers only. International enquiries please contact us by email before filling this form.
Let us know your preference. For patients who would need to travel for surgery, your consultations can easily be done over video call, but please note that you would need to be seen once in-person before surgery.
We occasionally will have cancellations and appointments may become available. This may allow you to be seen sooner. Our staff can contact you if a space opens up and you have selected 'yes' or 'maybe'.
Please note that you do not need to have insurance to have surgery. You will still receive Medicare rebates where applicable if you don't have insurance.
Please choose the most appropriate answer from this list. If you are interested in multiple procedures (eg. breast implant removal AND fat transfer or breast lift) let us know below.
A referral should be provided by your regular GP or a referring specialist. Please note that a referral does not automatically entitle you to a Medicare rebate for your consultation.
If you have a referral, you can upload it here. Please ensure the referral is either a .jpg image or a .pdf document. If you are seeking COSMETIC surgery, please note we will not allow appointment bookings until you have a referral.
New cosmetic surgery requirements (from July 1 2023)

The procedure you have selected is considered to be Cosmetic, or may not have an applicable item number. This includes cosmetic fat transfer for breast augmentation, cosmetic breast lift/mastopexy, or cosmetic breast implant revision surgery.

Please note: Medicare rebates are not applicable for consultations with Dr Campbell-Lloyd regarding purely cosmetic procedures. If you discuss multiple different procedures and this includes discussion of both cosmetic AND "medically necessary" procedures, then a Medicare rebate may apply. This can only be determined after your consultation.

From July 1 2023, new regulations require that patients seeking purely cosmetic procedures complete additional steps, including:

  1. a screening assessment for Body Dysmorphic Disorder, and

  2. a separate consent for the use of clinical photography.

We ask patients considering cosmetic procedures to follow the links below to complete these additional steps. This will only take a few minutes of your time. Once the extra forms (which will open in new tabs) have been submitted, you will need to return to this tab to complete your appointment request.

BDD screening assessment

Consent to the use of clinical photos

Previous surgery
Please provide any information you have about your implants. This may come from the implant card you received after your last surgery. If you don't have any information, that's ok! Just say "I don't know"
You can select multiple answers for this question.
Please tell us a little more about yourself:
please ensure you have entered your height in metres, NOT in centimetres
Please be completely honest. Even occasional nicotine use can alter surgery outcomes. All patients MUST be nicotine free before we will allow surgery to be booked. This includes nicotine replacement therapy such as gum or lozenges.

We strongly recommend that all patients check the online price guides on our website prior to an appointment. Please follow the link below.

Dr Campbell-Lloyd's surgery prices

Thanks for completing this form. Please click submit below. Your appointment request will be received and we will be in touch by email or phone to arrange a time that suits.